Lottery Singapore and Lottery Hongkong

Lottery Singapore

You can purchase tickets for Lottery Singapore online or in regional stores. However, you should make sure that you match the number on your ticket with the results from previous draws. Otherwise, the prize money you will get will be lower than that of the person who purchased the same ticket the previous day. Then, you may face the same situation as the person next to you. So, ensuring that you have the right ticket weight is important to get the maximum amount of prize money possible.

Toto: Toto is the most popular game in Lottery Singapore and boasts the largest prize money of $2 million. There are seven numbers on the drawing, three to six winning numbers and one bonus number called the lotus flower number. To win, you must match three of these numbers. To buy a Toto ticket, visit any Singapore Pools outlet or the main Lottery branch. Then, you can view the drawing at the main branch of the lottery.

Toto: Toto is the only legal lottery in Singapore. The game was first introduced in June 1968 and features a variety of prizes including jackpots and bonus rounds. Since then, several changes have been made to the game. Top price increases and snowballing were introduced. The game first became computerized on May 19, 1986. Toto was originally offered in a 5/49 format, but was eventually changed to 6/42 in 1998. The game was made online in 2016, as well.